The Sculptor family of products has been used by our customers in a wide variety of applications, illustrating the power and benefit of free-form morphing and simulation driven design without cumbersome and expensive re-meshing.
Automotive HVAC
Better designs of automotive HVAC ducts faster and cheaper with Sculptor.
Airplane Wing Shape
Commercial Airplane 3D wing shape morphing with Sculptor.
Decreasing Optimization Time
Sculptor's Arbitrary Shape Deformation (ASD) technology significantly reduces time to perform design optimization for aerodynamic performance.
Hot to Cold Turbine Blades
Turbo-machinery customer matched their "cold" FEA model to their "hot" CFD model with Sculptor.
Improving Train Efficiency
The objective was to maximize efficiency, reduce emissions and decrease design time for a high speed train.
Intake Port Optimization
Improving aerodynamic performance of an intake port with Sculptor.
Noesis:Coronary Stents
Optimus-driven CFD optimization makes a case for patient-specific coronary stents
Reducing Motorcycle Drag
The goal was to reduce drag by morphing the windscreen and front fairing. Sculptor generated 36 designs with a geometry that reduced drag by more than 5%.
Streamliner Design
Electric streamliner set a world land speed record for its weight class based on optimized design shapes from Sculptor.
Aerodynamic Numerical Simulations of Formula 1 Tires
Determined trade off design for multi-objective optimization
Sculptor enabled optimization of the HVAC design resulting in significantly improved performance with an 89 % time savings and a 90% cost savings to the customer as compared to other methods.
Airplane Wing Shape Morphing
Sculptor enabled an 8% increase of overall lift/drag ratio, a 90 % time savings, and a 91% cost savings to the customer as compared to other methods.
Decreasing Optimization Time
Sculptor enabled optimization of the aerodynamic design with a 90 % time savings and as compared to other methods.
Hot to Cold Turbine Blade Shape Matching
Sculptor enabled the customer to match "hot" turbine blade models to "cold" shape with a 62 % time savings and a 62% cost savings to the customer when compared to other methods.
Improving Train Efficiency
Sculptor enabled optimization of the high speed train design resulting in reduced drag, reduced emissions and improved efficiencies with an 85 % time savings and a 92% cost savings to the customer as compared to other methods.
Intake Port Optimization
Sculptor enabled evaluation of 124 design variants with an 86 % time savings and an 86% cost savings to the customer when compared to other methods.
Reducing Motorcycle Drag
Sculptor enabled quick evaluation of multiple design alternatives resulting in reduced drag with a 79% cost savings to the customer as compared to other methods.
Streamliner Design
Scultpor enabled finding the optimal vehicle aerodynamic design with 89 % time savings and an 81% cost savings to the customer when compared to other methods.