Optimal Solutions releases Sculptor version 3.4
For Immediate Release: Idaho Falls, ID, June 19, 2012
Optimal Solutions Software the leading supplier of 3D real-time morphing and shape optimization technology is proud to announce the release of Sculptor version 3.4. Working closely with our customers to identify features and improvements we have made Sculptor easier to use and more powerful than ever. This release of Sculptor also brings with it an extension of the Sculptor product line to add Sculptor+ Match:
- Sculptor Morph – Advanced morphing technology for STL and point cloud data
- Sculptor Morph Analysis - Advanced morphing technology for CAE & CFD data
- Sculptor+ CAD - Advanced morphing technology for CAD data
- Sculptor+ Optimize – 3D shape optimization leveraging advanced morphing technology
- Sculptor+ Match – 3D shape matching leveraging advanced morphing technology
- Sculptor Morph API – API access to Advanced 3D model morphing technology for software developers
"We are pleased to release the Sculptor 3.4 offering the new shape matching module, improved translators and improved shape optimization capabilities. " says Dr. Mark Landon CTO of Optimal Solutions Software. "The new improvements to the optimization capabilities and shape matching capabilities allow for real-time traversing and modification of the design space for a broad range of applications."
Sculptor version 3.4 enhances Sculptor's ability to reuse 3D data for creating better designs by leveraging the highly efficient Arbitrary Shape Deformation (ASD) real-time morphing technology. This release of the Sculptor technology continues to improve the optimization capabilities but also makes the powerful ASD based shape matching technology available for easy reuse of 3D models.
ESTECO, Optimal Solutions Form Partnership New integration coupling modeFRONTIER with SCULPTOR announced.
ESTECO announced that there is a new interface between its process integration and optimization softare, modeFRONTIER, and
Optimal Solutions ' SCULPTOR mesh morphing software. According to the company, the integration will make it easier to set up DOE and optimization studies for computation fluid dynamics (CFD).
While running SCULPTOR from within modeFRONTIER's environment has been possible for many years using text files and scripts, the new integration node provides a seamless interface which allows the user to introspect the SCULPTOR model file to identify the parameters of interest. Once these have been selected, the "auto build" feature within the node automatically creates a modeFRONTIER workflow, together with all the required connections, leaving the user just to define the parameter bounds, and to select the best algorithm for the study.
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Optimal Solutions.